JFK Assassination: Who was Lee Harvey Oswald?

If you have visited this website before, you may have noticed that one of my favourite people to write about is president John F. Kennedy and one of my favourite topics to write about is his assassination. You may be reading this thinking I have already wrote about this topic and you would be correct. [...]

Joseph Kennedy Sr.: Building a Dynasty

Joe Kennedy began his political life in 1932 when he supported Franklin D. Roosevelt in his bid for the presidency. This was Kennedy's first major involvement in a national political campaign. Kennedy donated, lent and raised a substantial amount of money for the campaign. Roosevelt would go on to win the presidency, but would not [...]

George Washington’s Final Years

He was a leader of the American Revolution, America's first president and the only solider to be given the rank of Six Star General in the US Military. George Washington served as America's President from 1789 until 1797. In 1796 he informed the American people that he would not stand for re-election. His words were [...]

Abraham Lincoln: The Great Emancipator

Abraham Lincoln is one of if not the most popular president of all time. He abolished slavery, lead the country through a civil war, and has left his mark on American History. A few months ago, I brought you the story of Theodore Roosevelt. Now, we take a look at the life of America's 16th [...]

Theodore Roosevelt: The Bull Moose that changed America

He was a bull moose, a rough rider, a boxer, a politician, a Colonel, rancher, a hunter, police commissioner, Governor and President of the United States. Theodore Roosevelt is arguably the best President America has ever seen and whether you liked him or not, there's no denying that he changed America with brash and bold [...]

The Civil War (1861 – 1865)

It was a war between the North and South. Brothers against brothers. The American civil war was the bloodiest war in American history. There were many causes of the civil war and slavery was a big part of it. Exacerbating tensions, the old Whig political party was dying. Many of its followers joined with members of [...]

Where did U.S Politics come from?

Last week i spoke about Founding Father and Former U.S President, Thomas Jefferson. The week before that we spoke about The Revolutionary War and how the colonist won their independence. This week we're going to talk about what happened after all that and how the Founding Fathers of America formed a Government. After the Revolutionary [...]